Asking for Help

For those of us who are spinning too many plates or burning too many candles at all ends or giving up altogether and devoting their lives to working Sudoku puzzles…and the hell with it…


It takes a village.  Why not call on people for help, especially when it’s a win-win for everyone.  Why didn’t I learn this lesson in kindergarten? Read More

Learning to Delegate

“Blogland” has been a distant star for me the last couple of months.  That’s what happens when you sink into the abyss of “overwhelm.”  Like many of us, I feel like the guy who appeared on the old Ed Sullivan show keeping all those plates spinning in the air.  When one begins to wobble and head south this desperate man rushes to the rescue, only to be distracted by a new wobbler at the end of the row.

I love my life and what I do and the glorious people I get to hang out with day after day.  I say “yes” because “yes” means life to me.  But too much of a good thing is not a good thing. Read More