front cover of album features Cali playing ukulele while sitting on a bench and smiling

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Cali performs “The Fishin’ Hole”

Are You Having Any Fun?
Ukulele CD by Cali Rose

This CD includes fifteen classic and original songs that I sing and play on the ukulele.  My talented musical friends add just the right splash of ooomph and va-va-voom so you can expect the unexpected.

$10.00 + $2.50 shipping/handling
15 Track • Audio CD Format • ©2009

Click the buy now button to buy directly from Cali

To purchase by mail, send a check for $12 to: Cali Rose c/o Soup To Nuts Music • 10736 Jefferson Blvd #873 • Culver City, CA  90230

You can also purchase from these online vendors (and listen to more samples):

apple music  |  Amazon


  1. Are You Having Any Fun?
  2. OO-KOO-LAY-LAY (original)
  3. True Love
  4. Soup Du Jour
  5. Happy Ever After? No Such Ting (original)
  6. Beautiful Dreamer
  7. Princess Poo-Poo-Ly
  8. On Green Dolphin Street
  9. The Fishin’ Hole – Andy Griffith TV Theme
  10. Maui Nights
  11. Aren’t You Glad You’re You?
  12. Enjoy Yourself
  13. Let Me Call You Sweetheart

Kind words and reviews

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“I absolutely love it!  The song selection, vocals and musicianship are nothing less than stellar.”

— Bruce B.

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“I listened to your CD on the way to work this morning and also as I was out doing errands at lunch.  It’s great – I was smiling the whole time I was listening.  It’s got great compositions, great singing, great musicianship and it’s very well produced.  Unfortunately, it’s had a huge psychological impact on me.  My letter of resignation has been submitted and I will be in Maui until further notice.”

— Mike S.

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“I’ve been loving listening to it in my car as I jaunt down the street, singing along with it. It is just a superb CD!  The production is splendid with everything clear, precise and balanced.  Especially, the slower songs reveal the nuances of your voice (e.g., Maui Nights, Beautiful Dreamer, Sweetheart, True Love).  Your uke playing is just wonderful!  Really neat arrangements, and skillful precise playing.  Every note, high and low, is in tune and perfectly rendered.  You do some amazing ukelizations.  Your singing is also wonderful. You are really versatile and with great presentation and arrangements.  Nice back up singing too.  What a pro you are.  Cali, dear, this is just a marvelously enthralling and professional recording showing off your best stuff, and I’m enjoying it immensely.”

— Stephen F.

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“Chris and I wanted to pass along a thank you!  We have been playing your CD in the office this week and everyone here thoroughly enjoyed the tunes.  Being on the front end of “tings,” it’s always nice to see and hear the finished product.  It is especially nice when the music is as good as “Are you having any fun?”!  Very serene. Thanks again for sharing.” [Disc Makers]

— Chris Bailey and Brian Jones of Disc Makers.

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I just wanted to let you know that your two albums I bought are helping me reach my new fitness goal. I am in the process of getting my health and physique back to when I started to be a flight attendant almost 30 years ago. I listen to those lovely quirky fun songs and your beautiful voice and uke playing and my workout is so much more fun! I already lost 15 lbs…


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“Congratulations on your success. You are putting smiles on people’s faces far and wide. What pleasure–and humor. I tell you, my tush is happier for having listened.”

— Diane V.

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2 Responses

  1. Joseph
    | Reply

    Really no tabs? For sale or otherwise? I think you have missed a market for your style of Ukulele playing?

    • Cali Rose
      | Reply

      Hi Joseph and yeah, I am not a tab gal. My ukulele ethos is very intuitive and somewhat contrarian to the standard approach these days. But I do share my approach in one of my intermediate classes. I want players to understand “why” notes and chords and strums fit together so they can come up with their own arrangements. Thanks for asking about this.

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