Kind Words and Reviews about Cali’s “Are You Having Any Fun?” CD

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Note:  This album was nominated for Best Adult Contemporary Album in the 2009 Hawaii Music Awards. It didn’t win and some folks were a little upset about that, like Ric Douglas, who wrote me the message below…

8 things That Can’t Be Robbed From Cali Are:

  1. Classiness
  2. Grace
  3. Musicianship
  4. Poise
  5. Talent
  6. Positive Attitude
  7. Beauty
  8. Craig (Cali’s husband)

…in no particular order

— Anon

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“…the consistency I’ve heard in the songs are in the ‘spirit’ you successfully impart to your music.  Music is rightfully comprised of several facets much beyond notes, chords and arrangements and I especially enjoy how I feel when I listen to your music.” [Kimo Hussey]

— Ukulele master Kimo Hussey

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“This is one of the best CD’s I have ever heard.  I love it!!! Great voice…great production…great arrangements…great originals…great choice on the cover tunes.. great musicianship…great graphics, CD cover and photos.  Great things in store for this CD and Cali Rose!!!”

— Jamie S.

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“Chris and I wanted to pass along a thank you!  We have been playing your CD in the office this week and everyone here thoroughly enjoyed the tunes.  Being on the front end of “tings,” it’s always nice to see and hear the finished product.  It is especially nice when the music is as good as “Are you having any fun?”!  Very serene. Thanks again for sharing.” [Disc Makers]

— Chris Bailey and Brian Jones of Disc Makers.

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“Congratulations on your success. You are putting smiles on people’s faces far and wide. What pleasure–and humor. I tell you, my tush is happier for having listened.”

— Diane V.

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“I listened to “Are You Having Any Fun?” and I truly had fun listening.  I laughed and nearly cried.  Your music Cali gives so much, a whole philosophy, your personality, as well as pleasure.  I so enjoyed.”

— Leslie W.

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“I LOVE your CD! It is the best. My new favorite!!The whole package; the songs, the accompaniment, your  lovely voice. Truly, it is such a breath of fresh air!  Can’t wait to get to one of your shows live and in person!!”

— Janet M.

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We just got your CD in the mail!  What a wonderful production, and you are as good as they get!!  Thank you SO much for sending it to us… We’ll do some more listening, but so far our favourite is “Maui Nights.”

— Bosko and Honey

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“…thank you so much for sending me your CD. I love the music and it makes me smile to hear your voice. You are a very gifted siger/musician/entertainer. I’m glad your carrer is moving along. Thank you for all the happiess your music has brought me over the years…

Your latest CD is still my favorite and I always queue it up on the IPod first when we get airborne – puts me in the right mood and calms me down…not that the pre-departure cocktail wasn’t kicking in by then, but you are much purer sense of peace and calm. Maybe I shouldn’t say purer…I mean, Whoa!, check out the clam shells on Cali in Hawaii!! Regardless your voice is incredible.”

— Doug W.

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“A most sincere thank you for the SMILES, your CD makes me happy, great production, you sound fantastic and the songs are a kick – “true classic Cali Rose !!!” with her uka uka uka uka LELE.”

— Kevin F.

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