Look at dem feets! You just have to SMILE. Huh…
Well that is what my new ukulele CD is all about. A breath of fresh air in our busy, cuckoo lives. Jim Beloff calls it “a perfect summer disk.” And I vote for year-around-summer!
Another happy customer writes:
“Here is a Monday morning story. I have my copy of Smile, Smile, Smile and put it in my C.D. player as I pull out of the driveway. Wow, such a good time is going on around my ears! I get on to the 405 Freeway and see the forest of brake lights ahead of me. Normally this would anger and exhaust me. With Cali’s tunes coming out of my speakers, I can’t help but feel good, smile and the drive seemed to just seemed to fly by. I think that this C.D. should be standard equipment for anyone who has to make a horrible daily commute. Thank you Cali. (D.C)
Except for my instrumental version of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy,” all the songs are original, fun and joy-full. My musical friends on bass, drums, vibes, clarinet and steel guitar pour on the pizzazz. Members of our ukulele group, The CC Strummers, perform on two of the songs.
Now that hubby, Craig Brandau, and I have returned from our incredible “working-vacation” in Maryland, Washington D.C. and Virginia, it’s time to send my baby into the world. Later on I’ll share more backstories about the songs and little vignettes that are smile-ready.
You can purchase (and listen to) the CD and individual songs on iTunes, CD Baby, Amazon. But here’s the cool thing, “Smile, Smile, Smile” is also available at my own ONLINE STORE. Song excerpts are posted and with PayPal you can use “plastic” money to purchase a little cupcake of joy. Please let me know if you’d like an autograph. I can do that!

My fabulous webmistress, Amy Pace, (who also did the CD artwork and design) has created a “compliment file” and photo gallery. Why don’t you send me a picture to post on my website–of you & the CD (& even your feet if you are flexible enough to get it all in a photo). Get creative and write a caption.
For all of you SoCal folks, I’m having a CD Release Party and Concert Sunday, September 29 at Boulevard Music in Culver City. The concert begins at 7:00 P.M. Tickets are $12 and are already on sale. I’ll perform a whole eclectic array of songs and the show will be “Kanikapila” fun!
Thanks for hanging in there with me and taking the time from your busy schedules to read my blogs and support my work.
With much gratitude,
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